Verständnis von UN38.3

Fast alle Lithium-Polymer-Batterien müssen Artikel 38.3 des UN-Handbuchs und der Kriterien erfüllen, um die Sicherheit der Lithium Polymer Batterie während des Transports zu gewährleisten.
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UN38.3 Testbericht

UN / DOT 38.3 Transport Test für Lithium-Polymer-Batterie 6. Ausgabe wurde 2011 ausgestellt. Es umfasst acht Abschnitte.

T.1 .: Höhensimulation
T.2 .: Thermischer Test
T.3 .: Vibration
T.4 .: Schock
T.5 .: Externer Kurzschluss
T.6 .: Auswirkungen / Crush
T.7 .: Überladung
T.8 .: Erzwungene Entladung

T.1 .: Höhensimulation

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict Test T.1: Altitude simulation P
Test cells and lithium polymer battery shall be stored at a 11.6 kPa or less for at least six hours at ambient temperature 20±5℃. P
Cells and lithium polymer battery meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states. No leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire P

T.2 .: Thermischer Test

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.2: Thermal test P
Test cells and lithium polymer battery are to be stored for at least six hours at a test temperature equal to -72±5℃, followed by storage for at least six hours at a test temperature equal to -40±2℃. The maximum time interval between test temperature extremes is 30 minutes. This procedure is to be repeated 10 times, after which all test cells and batteries are to be stored for 24 hours at ambient temperature. P
Cells and lithium polymer battery meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states. No leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. P

T.3 .: Vibration

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.3.: Vibration P
Test cells and lithium polymer battery are firmly secured to the platform of the vibration machine without distorting the cells in such a manner as to faithfully transmit the vibration. The vibration shall be a sinusoidal waveform with a logarithmic sweep between 7 Hz and 200 Hz and back to 7 Hz traversed in 15 minutes. This cycle shall be repeated 12 times for a total of 3 hours for each of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell. One of the directions of vibration must be perpendicular to the terminal face. P
The logarithmic frequency sweep shall differ for cells and batteries with a gross mass of not more than 12 kg(cells and small lithium polymer battery), and for batteries with a gross mass of more than 12 kg(large batteries). P
For cels and small batteries: from 7 Hz a peak acceleration of 1 gn is maintained until 18 Hz is reached. The amplitude is then maintained at 0.8mm (1.6mm total excursion) and the frequency increased until a peak acceleration of 8 gn occurs( approximately 50Hz). A peak acceleration of 8 gn is then maintained until the frequency is increased to 200Hz. P
Cells and lithium polymer battery meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states. No leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. P

T.4 .: Schock

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.4: Shock P
Test cells and batteries shall be secured to the testing machine by means of a rigid mount which will support all mounting surfaces of each test battery. Each cell shall be subjected to a half-sine shock of peak acceleration of 150gn and pulse duration of 6 milliseconds. Alternatively, large cells may be subjected to a half-sine shock of peak acceleration of 50 gn and plus duration of 11 milliseconds. Each battery shall be subjected to a half-sine shock of peak acceleration depending on the mass of the battery. The pulse duration shall be 6 milliseconds for small batteries and 11 millisecond for larger batteries. The formulas below are provided to calculate the appropriate minimum peak accelerations. P
Cells and lithium polymer battery meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states. No leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. P

T.5 .: Externer Kurzschluss

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.5: External short circuit P
The cell or lithium polymer battery to be tested shall be temperature stabilized so that its external case temperature reached 57±4℃ and then the cell or battery shall be subjected to a short circuit condition with a total external resistance of less than 0.1 ohm at 57±4℃. This short circuit condition is continued for at least one hour after the cell or battery external case temperature has returned to 57±4℃. P
Cells and lithium polymer battery meet this requirement if their external temperature does not exceed 170℃ and there is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire during the test and within six hours after the test. No leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. P

T.6 .: Auswirkungen / Crush

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.6.: Impact/ Crush P
Test Procedure- Crush( applicable to prismatic, punch, coin/button cells and cylindrical cells not more than 18mm in diameter). P
A cell or component cell is to be crushed between two flat surfaces. The crushing is to be gradual with a speed of approximately 1.5cm/s at the first point of contact. The crushing is to be continued until the first of the three options below is reached.
(a) he applied force reaches 13 kN±0.78 kN;
A prismatic or punch cell shall be crushed by applying the force to the widest side. A button/coin cell shall be crushed by applying the force on its flat surfaces. For cylindrical cells, the crush force shall be applied perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. P
Each test cell or component cell is to be subjected to one curse only. The test sample shall be observed for a further 6 h. The test shall be conducted using test cells or component cells that have not previously been subjected to other tests. P
Cells and component cells meet this requirement if their external temperature does not exceed 170℃ and there is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire during the test and within six hours after the test. No disassembly, no fire. P

T.7 .: Überladung

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.7.: Overcharge P
The charge current shall be twice the manufacturer’s recommended maximum continuous charge current. Tests are to be conducted at ambient temperature. The duration of the test shall be 24 hours. The minimum voltage of the test shall be as follows: P
When the manufacturer’s recommended charge voltage is not more than 18v, the minimum voltage of the test shall be the lesser of two times the maximum charge voltage go the battery or 22v.(a) he applied force reaches 13 kN±0.78 kN; The voltage of the test is 8.5V, and the current is 0.45A. P
There is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test. No disassembly, no fire. P

T.8 .: Erzwungene Entladung

Clause Requirement + Test Result Verdict T.8.: Forced discharge P
Each lithium polymer cell shall be forced discharge at ambient temperature by connecting it in series with a 12v D.C. power supply at an initial current equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer.
The specified discharge current is to be obtained by connecting a resistive load of the appropriate size and rating in series with the test cell. Each cell shall be forced discharged for a time interval (in hours) equal to its related capacity divided by the initial test current) in ampere).
There is no disassembly and no fire during the test and within seven days after the test. No disassembly, no fire. P